Subject: Filing of form GNL-2 and MGT-14 (filing of prospectus related documents) due to migration from V2 to V3 from 07/01/2023 to 22/01/2023. (No additional fee as per general circular no. 01/2023)
Summery: form GNL-2(filing of prospectus related documents) and MGT-14 (filing of resolutions relating to prospectus related document) will not be available on V2 of MCA portal due to migration from V2 to V3. Such form may be filed in physical mode along with copy in electronic media to concern ROC without payment of fee and to take acknowledgement thereof and such filing will be accompanied by an undertaking from company that once the filing of form is enabled on portal, the company shall file the relevant form in electronic form in MCA portal alongwith fee.
This circular is available on getdocument (