Bhk and Associates

XBRL Filing – Last Date 30.10.2022 or within 30 days of AGM, whichever is later

Why Depute only Bakshi HK & Associates Bakshi HK & Associates is 22-year-Old Firm and has dedicated expert team, who have done more than 200 companies per year including Government Public Sector Units, and is adept in handling various shades of balance sheets standalone, consolidated, IND AS and non-IND AS companies. They have the capability […]

What is a Startup, Startup India Scheme and benefits of setting up a startup in India

What is a Startup? A Startup is a body-corporate that meets the following conditions: It falls under categories as prescribed under G.S.R. Notification 127(E); and is recognised as startup by, and is registered with, the Department for Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP). Categories as prescribed under G.S.R. Notification 127(E) are as under: Age of body […]

Transfer of Membership from one RVO to another

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India 7th Floor, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.   CIRCULAR No. IBBI/RVO/029/2020                                                                             28th January, 2020   To All Recognised Registered Valuer Organisations All Registered Valuers (By mail to registered email addresses and on website of the Board) Dear Madam / Sir, Subject: Transfer of Membership from one RVO to […]

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