Bhk and Associates


AUDIT The definition of audit: It is the on-site verification of a process or quality system to confirm compliance with regulations, such as inspection or examination. A specific function, procedure, or phase in the production process may be the focus of an audit rather than the entire organization. Assessing risk or performance, checking on completed […]

MCA General Circular No. 4/2023

GENERAL CIRCULAR NO. 04/2023 Extension of Time for filing of 45 company E-Forms, PAS-03 and SPICE+ Part A in MCA-21 Version-3 without additional fee. Due to change in way of filing in V-3 including fresh process of registration of users on MCA-21 and the process of stabilization of 45 forms launched with effect from 23.01.2023 […]

Revamp of MCA21 site

Revamp of MCA21 site – A news in the air on 20.02.2023 On 20.02.2023, the ministry of corporate affairs is going to simplify the process for corporate reporting, eliminating the need for approval by Registrars of Companies (RoCs) in most of the cases and allowing companies to fulfil their reporting obligations with an online acknowledgement. […]

How to open a Demat Account online

How to open Demat Account online Documents required for opening a Demat Account online: PAN Card of Applicant Aadhar Card of Applicant Bank Passbook of Applicant (for account number) PAN Card of Nominee (only if applicant wants to appoint a nominee) Aadhar Card of Nominee (only if applicant wants to appoint a nominee) Other details […]

Formation of Trust

  FORMATION OF TRUST Trust is a formal organization established by law to keep and administer assets for the benefit of one or more people. The trust may be established for any objective, including the beneficiaries’ financial security. Settlor is a person who forms a trust. Trustee is a person or firm that holds and […]

Compliance Calendar for February 2023

COMPLIANCE CALENDER FOR MONTH OF FEBURARY 2023     Compliance Calendar under GST S.No. Particulars Forms/Returns Due Date 1. Due date for filing GSTR-7 to be filed by the person who is required to deduct TDS under GST for the month of January 2023 GSTR-7 10.02.2023 2. The due date for furnishing statement by e-commerce […]

Compounding of certain offences under the Companies Act, 2013

Compounding of Certain Offences Under the Companies Act, 2013 Relevant Section, Rules, and Forms Section 441 of the Companies Act, 2013 Rules 7, 8 and 12 of Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2016 and Rule 88 of National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016 Forms: GNL-1, INC-28, NCLT-9, RD-1   Provisions relating to Compounding. In […]

MCA General Circular No. 3/2023

General Circular No.3/2023 Extension of Time for filing of 45 company e-Forms and PAS-03 in MCA 21 Version 3 without additional fee. Due to difficulties on filing on V-3 portal, forms as given in circular 1/2023, for those 45 forms further additional time of 15 day has been provided for filing of the forms without […]

Effect of Section 40A(3) in case of payment to director in cash

Section 40A (3): Amount not deductible in respect of expenditure exceeding 10,000 rupees if made in cash. If a person incurs any expenditure (which is deductible under other provisions of Income Tax Act,1962 for computing business/profession income) in respect of which payment/aggregate of payments in excess of 10,000 rupee is made, otherwise than by account […]

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