Extension of Time for filing of 45 company E-Forms, PAS-03 and SPICE+ Part A in MCA-21 Version-3 without additional fee.
Due to change in way of filing in V-3 including fresh process of registration of users on MCA-21 and the process of stabilization of 45 forms launched with effect from 23.01.2023 in consideration of General Circular Number 1 and 3 of 2023, it has been decided to allow further additional time till 31.03.2023 for filing of these forms which are due for filing between 07.02.2023 and 28.02.2023 without additional fees to the stakeholder.
Form PAS-03 which was closed for filing in V-2 and launched in V-3 and whose due date for filing fall between 20.02.2023 and 28.02.2023 can also be filed without payment of additional fees till 31.03.2023.
Reservation period for the names which are reserved, is extended by a further period of 20 days.
The resubmission period under Rule 9 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 falling between 23.01.2023 and 28.02.2023 is also extended by 15 days.
This circular is available at getdocument (