Acts and rules (in this, following to be given)
- Companies Act,2013
- Sales of goods Act
- Indian contract Act
- Indian Penal Code
- Uncitral Model
- Consumer Protection Act
- Competition Act
- Secretarial Standards-1,2,3,4
- Excise Act,1944
- Custom Act,1962
- Sales tax
- Trademark Act,1999
- Patent Act,1970
- Copyright Act,1957
- Design Act, 2000
- Securities Contract (Regulation) Act,1956
- Company Secretaries Act
- Chartered Accountants Act
- Cost and Work Accountants Act
- Industrial development and regulation Act,1951
- Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999
- Foreign Contribution(Regulation) Act, 2010
- Emblems and Name (Prevention of Improper Use) Act
- Sick Industrial Company (Special Provisions) Repeal Act
- Prevention of Money Laundering Act,2002
- Right to Information Act, 2005
- Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
- Securities and Exchange Board of India Act