Director Identification Number (DIN)
Director Identification Number What is Director Identification Number (DIN)? In accordance with Sections 153 and 154 of the Companies Act of 2013, an individual who is appointed as a director of a company is given a DIN, which is a unique identification number. When a new company is formed, an application for the allocation of […]
Conversion of Section 8 Company
CONVERSION OF SECTION 8 COMPANY A Section 8 Company is a nonprofit organization with the objectives of advancing Sports, Education, Science, Arts, and Charitable endeavors. Such businesses do not split their profits among their shareholders, but rather use them to advance these goals. Procedure for conversion: – The requirements of Rules 21, 22, and 23 of […]
Declaration of Interim Dividend
Declaration of Interim Dividend As per section 123(3) of Companies Act, 2013, a dividend is said to be an Interim dividend, if it is declared by the Board of directors during any financial year out of surplus in the profit and loss account and out of profits of the financial year in which such interim […]
Compliance Calendar for June 2023
JUNE DATE COMPLIANCE 7 1) Deposit of withholding tax (TDS/TCS) for May 2023 2) Deposit of Equalization levy for the Month of May 2023 11 Filing of Monthly GSTR 1 (Outward Supply Return) for May 2023 13 1) Filing of Monthly GSTR 6 (ISD Return) for May 2023 […]
Partnership Firm Registration Process
Partnership Firm Registration Process Steps for registering a Partnership Firm in Delhi The members should first choose a name, make sure it is available, and check that it complies with the legislation. The members should next cooperate to get all the required documents notarize and certify to any necessary documents. Writing and notarizing the Partnership […]